Rules of Train Etiquette in Japan-Train Culture
Rules of Train Etiquette in Japan-Train Culture Train Etiquette in Japan-Things to be considers before you go. Millions of people travel by train every day. Traveling by train in Japan is the easiest and most convenient way to get around. The Japanese train travel experience is usually very clean, easy and fast. In Japan the…
Rules for Part time job in Japan.
Today we are going to discuss about Rules for Part time job in Japan. International students get permission to work as a part time work only when it is clear that working is not adversely effecting studies. Students have to enrolled in class. As a part-time work, students are only allowed to work only 28hrs/week…
Shibuya Halloween 2018
Shibuya has become the famous places for Haloween event.Millions of people visit Shibuya over the halloween weekend . Its my third time in Shibuya Halloween. This time also i was a part of the crowd in Shibuya Halloween.I got a chance to see different amazing and strange coustume.If you are at Tokyo during the halloween…
Cafes in Tokyo that have a study like environment.
A big city with millions of people “Tokyo”. In Tokyo There’re thousands of coffee shops.Every person has a different thought or idea of their ideal studying environment. Usually people who want to work on their computer or study go to McDonald`s or Starbucks Cafe. I generally study at local coffee shop near my house which…
Japanese Blood Type Personality Theory.
Hello guyz welcome to my channel.I am ビ カシュ and this is bikotan blogs where i talk everything about Japan. Today we are going to discuss about Japanese Bood Type Personality.We gonna discuss what they say about your Personality. Do you know What blood Type you are? 血(けつ)液(えき)型(がた) (ketsuekigata)Blood Type. Blood Type is called Ketsuekigata…
Study Techniques for Japanese
How did i learn Japanese Hello guyz welcome to jpnblogs.com where we talk everything about the Japanese culture , Language ,travel information,amazing facts,night life,good tips on living in Japan,cheap places to hang out and a daily life in Japan. Today we are going to discuss about some tips and tricks ,how to learn Japanese.I started…