Easy way to learn Japanese particles “Wa and Ga”
“Learn Japanese particles-Japanese Particles Guide: Wa and Ga “Hello everyone welcome back to jpnblogs.com would like to thank you for taking out time for reading my blogs. It s really encourages me. So in today’s blog, we gonna learn about Japanese particles WA “は” and GA. Here we go.
In the Japanese language, particles are very important. If the wrong particles are used, the whole meaning of the sentences can change. That is the reason it is very important to know about particles and how to use them in a sentence. Since there are different particles in Japanese, we gonna learn about WA “は” and GA particles. Let’s keep it in our mind that WA determines the Topics and GA determines the Subject of the sentences.
1. WA”は” Particles
particles are called 助 詞 in Japanese.WA particles come after the topic of the sentences. It is also known as Topic particles. Let`s see how it works in a sentence.
明日 は 休 みです。
Asita wa Yasumi Desu.
This means As for tomorrow, it`s Holiday. Generally, we can translate WA particles as “AS FOR” in English.
Let`s go into detail.
は= As for
休みです= Holiday
As we notice that the particles are placed after the topics of the sentences.
NOTE!!! “は” WA particles are pronounced as HA”は” in Hiragana, however when used as a particle ,it is always pronounced as WA.
Only one is not enough.Let s take a look at a few more examples.
あなたは 誰 ですか?
私 はビカシュです。
私 は 先生 じゃないです。
はずきさんはとっても 可愛 いですね。
今日 は 雨です。It`s rainy today WA particles are placed after the topics of the sentences.
2. GA “が” Particles
Japanese particle Ga marks the subject of the sentences and it is used after the subject of a sentence. It also shows the meaning of “but” and “despite of”.Using a instead of GA or vice versa changes the meaning of the sentences.
For example:
田中 さんが 来 ますか?
優 しい 人 がいいです。
猫 が 好 きです。
買 いたいですがお 金 がないです。 。
日本語 が 分 かりません。
To understand the Japanese Particles better, it is very important to practice more and use them in sentences to understand them better. At first, there may be some confusion between は and が particles but if we try to figure out the difference between them, it is not so difficult. So today we learned about the Japanese Particles は and が.In the next topic, we will learn about all remaining particles. Thanks for reading . See you Again !!
Here is a Quiz for you!! Particles Wa and Ga Quiz click here
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