Prices and living costs in Japan – Japan Guide

Prices and living costs in Japan - Japan Guide

<b>Prices and living costs in Japan – Japan Guide</b>

Prices and living costs in Japan - Japan Guide

Hey guys welcome back to my blog.First of all I would like to thank you all for taking out time for reading my blog.Its very encouraging so thank you thank you thank you so much.Todays blog is gonna be very exciting.I am living in Japan right now.So in todays blog we gonna talk about cost and living expenses in Japan.i get this question all the time from my friends that how much you pay for housing, mobile expenses, food expenses etc. Here we go.

1.Rent, utility cost

Rent cost differs from place to place .for eg places like Tokyo, Shibuya, Oosaka etc ,the rent cost is relatively high.If the location of the apartment is little far from the city side or Bus station or Train station, then you gonna have cheap rent.The minimum amount that you have to paid for a 1 room Apartment is 40000¥-60000¥.But in Right now I am paying 50000¥ for my apartment .Its very big but a little far from city area.In next blog I will tell you about my room .

Prices and living costs in Japan
Since it is not my exact calculation but I figured out that I spend around 35000¥ per month .If you have habits of eating outside in convenient store you might spend more money but if you buy vegetables, fruits,and cook yourself it might cost you less then 25000¥per month.If you eat out all the time outside its really gonna be expensive.

3.Electricity, gas and water

The next thing is Electricity, gas and water.I spend about 12000¥.some times it get more then 12000¥ and sometimes less then 10000¥ depending on how much do I use .Like many other apartment my apartment also does not include Electricity, gas and water expenses.So I have to pay it separately.

4.Health Insurance

In Japan everyone have to pay health insurance.It depends upon the income of the person.If you are in Japan as a student ,your health insurance is not so expensive.You might pay more if you are working in a Japanesese company as a regular employee.As I am working in Japanese company, so I have to pay about 40000¥ which includes all others taxes.

5.Telephone bills

The next thing is phone bill.It also differs from carriers and which mobile you have .Since I bought a new iPhone in an installment so I have to pay monthly about 9000¥ for my mobile bill.If you use Rakuten mobile that’s really cheap comparing to Softbank ,Docomo and AU.

6.Wifi and Internet

I pay around 5000¥ for wifi.Actually I use pocket wifi which have data unlimited.sometimes wifi works slow but I am satisfy.Not bad at all

7.Going out with friends

As we know that friends are really important for us in our good time and bad time.Eating out with friends,travelling to some places we have to spend money for drinks,tickets,entrance,attraction etc.I think monthly in I average I spend 15000¥ for that .

Prices and living costs in Japan

8. Car insurance, parking expenses

Normally in average car insurance cost around 10000¥ and parking expenses takes around 15000¥.It differs from place to place.Since,I don’t have a car so I don’t need to spend my money on Car insurance, parking and fuel expenses.If you live far from then city It is good to have a Car.

Ok let’s include all this thing.In total it makes 120000¥ That is my living cost in Japan.what do you think?Is it expensive?Pls let me know and ask for anything in comment below.I hope you like my today `s articles. And you guys kinda got idea about living expenses in Japan.If you are planning to come to Japans i wish you good luck and thank you so much for watching my blog .

So it was my Prices and living costs in Japan.see you again .またね!

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