How to Open a Bank Account in Japan

How to Open a Bank Account in Japan

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To Open a Bank Account is not so hard as you think.It will gonna be more easy if you speak some,Today lets discuss about the process of opening Bank Account in Japan.And in last part we will also learn Some Japanese words with meaning that can be used on Bank while opening Accout. REQUIREMENTS
1.Residence Card
3.Phone Number
4.Hanko or Inkan(stamp)
Hanko (判子)or Inkan(印鑑)is a seal that acknowledges an individual which is used for the official documents in Japan.The price is normally ¥1000.If you wanna buy, Kawaii stamp then it will gonna little expensive then normal one. At least one Bank Account is really important ,if you are planning to living in Japan more then 3 months.When you apply for Part-time job,Full time job ,you will ask for your Bank Account number.while buying an phones or any other things as a installment you`ll need to have a Bank Account . 5.Some Amount for deposit(1000¥ is enough)
6.Students ID cards(IN case of you are a students)

Collect all the necessary documents and go to local Bank. Fill the necessary forms.Ask for any help at reception. If you are not good at Japanese Language or you just arrived to Japan, go with your friend who can communicate well in Japanese

Opening a bank account in Japan is very easy. All you need is required documents necessary to open bank account.When i first came to Japan my senior helped me opening a Bank Account.I opened a Bank account at yuuchyo ginkou where i deposit 1ooo¥ at the first time.Till noe my salary is deposited in Bank Account.

Japanese words which are used while opening bank account

Japanese English Romaji
お名前 Name Onamae
お所。 Address Otokoro
お電話番号 Phone Number Odenwa Bangou
生年月日 Date Of Birth Seinenngappi or Sechuretchugappi
せ性別 Gender Seibetchu
金額 Balance Kingaku
カードの種類 CArd type Kado no syurui
口座種類 Type of Bank account Kouja syurui
普通 Normal Futchu
貯蓄 Saving Chochicku
きキャッシュ サービス 利用方法 Cash service type Cashyu savisu riyohoho
暗証番号 password Ansyoubanngou
クレジット カード Credit CArd Kurezitto kado
通帳 Pass book Tsucho
通帳記入 Pass book update Tsucho kinyuu
引出す Withdrawl Hikidasu
入金 Deposit Nyukin
残高照会 Balance Inquiry Zandaka shokai
銀行 Deposit Nyukinn
振り込み Transfer Furikomi
貯金 Savings chokin
終了 Finished syuryou

List of bank of Japan
1.Jp yuuchyo ginkou
2.Mizuho ginkou
3.UFJ Bank
4.SMBC Trust Bank
Bye Bye see you next time.またね!

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