Hy guys welcome back.So in this blog i am gonna talk about my monthly earning as a 社会人syakaijin(Regular Employee). I came to Japan as a student but now i am graduated from college and working in Japan.so m gonna share you some tips about how to save money in Japan. Hopefully this blog is going to show you how much money you can earn in Japan as regular employee.My be this blog help you get idea about how to save money in Japan. so Let` s get started.
I got a lot of questions from my friend and others like how much you pay for your rent, electricity and other stuffs. If you are new to my blog and have any question regarding to Japan please fell free to mail me. Well today i am going to talk about my salary in Japan.As you know that Salary varies from person to person based on the work structure. I`ve my own stories.I got around 210000¥(tax not included).From my salary i have to pay about 35000¥ as a tax and other stuffs.It means my salary goes to 170000¥ per month.Some time i have to work overtime,In that case salary increase.By the way do you love working late hours? Well i hate overtime but have to do haha.
ok i will show you my salary for the month of April.
I got 185000¥ after deducting tax.i hope i will get more Money in next month(がんばるよ).So that is my monthly salary in Japan . Thank you so much for watching my blog.Let me know if you have any question.You can comment or mail .Wish you best wishes and see you again.Bye!! ありがとう!!またね!! Hello
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