Traveling to Japan?Here is your must app you need .
Hello guys welcome back .I am living in Japan for 5 yrs now and I come to realize that you must have some apps otherwise it can be very difficult to make things happen .
So if you are currently living in Japan or traveling to Japan, these are the apps which i used all the time that make my life super easy. I hope this Japan travel essential apps definitely make easy for you if your are traveling to Japan or living in Japan.
The first app i ` m gonna recommend you is Google Translate. Google Translate is the free Translate Apps provided by the Google. Google Translate is improving day by day.You can take just a photo and swipe text you wanna translate and it will give you a pretty good translation.I can highly recommend google translate.
Excellent Offline app I used it to study Japanese and it really helps me a lot.if you search for a word you don’t know, the output is really awesome.even you can get a sentences generated through your searched key word.The app is huge of 965.1 mb size but it has many features.Stroke order animation, kanji look up method ,examples with sentences are the best feature of Apps imiwa .If you are learning JlPT ,this apps is great for you.One of the best part is it supports multi language.
I tried some similar apps like google map but nothing has come close to google map.Real time navigation is really cool. The most use transportation while you are in Japan is the Train.Google map has train time tables in it which gives exact what time the train is living and coming.You can find what’s
Near you.It gives you information about nearest restaurant, coffee shop,Attraction etc .
4.Guru navi

Gurunavi is Japans leading restaurant guide app which is available in English.It offers the restaurant guide , information and discount coupon.You can search whatever is nearby, the price of food, food you wanna eat and any other option you like and the search is based on nearest train station , area , budget etc.Its very handy which lets you filter different category .And the best part is Online Reservation.
go to gurunavi.com
I hope you got some idea about how to prepare for a trip to Japan , or stuff know before traveling to Japan.So these are some best apps for Japan travel in 2019 which i used all the time that makes my life super easy.If you know more apps like that which i don` t mention pls don `t forget to comment below.
See you again!!
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